About our Proposals

Anglesea Capital

Anglesea Capital specialises in industrial and logistics projects, with an extensive track record in developing and managing industrial and logistics parks. Anglesea Capital are seeking to bring forward exciting plans for the phased redevelopment of the park to provide new industrial and logistics buildings which will significantly boost the local economy and create new jobs for local people.

Watchmoor Park

The site is located to the east of the A331, approximately 2.4 miles from the centre of Camberley. The Subject Site currently consists of seven large office buildings which were built in the early 1990s.

The adopted Surrey Heath Borough Council Local Plan identifies the majority of Watchmoor Park as a ‘Core Employment Area’ with local policies supporting the redevelopment of the site for industrial and logistics uses.

Why Regenerate Watchmoor Park?

National trends, in part, as a result of the global pandemic, have resulted in significant structural changes to both the office and industrial markets, transforming the way we work and how we use spaces. For instance, increased levels of homeworking has resulted in reduced demand for non-prime office locations such as the Subject Site. On the other hand, there has been an increase in demand for industrial and logistics buildings, with the pandemic accelerating recent growth trends in the sector.

The proposals for Watchmoor Park represent the opportunity to provide modern, fit for purpose employment floorspace that better meets the needs of the local economy.